Manuscript Formatting Requirements

The text of the article should contain the following elements: the problem statement in general terms and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks; the analysis of last achievements and publications where the solution of the stated problem has been started, the emphasis of the unresolved earlier parts of the general problem discussed in the article; the formulation of the article objective; the exposition of the main research material with full explanation of obtained scientific results; conclusions and prospects of further researches in this direction.

Articles are subject to publication in the journal if the originality of the main text, when checked in the Anti-Plagiarism system, is at least 70 %. Otherwise, the author is provided with a check protocol to bring the text into compliance with this requirement.

The following are submitted to the Editorial Board:

  • an article;
  • an abstract in Russian (size – 2000 characters) with key words;
  • an expert opinion;
  • a cover letter (with indication that the article has not been published before);
  • information about the authors, which indicates: surname, name and patronymic, academic title, academic degree, position, place of employment, contact phone number (mobile phone required), е-mail.

Manuscript design

Materials are submitted on sheets of the A4 size.
Mirror Margins: inside and outside – 20 mm, top and bottom – 25 mm.
Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt.
Line-to-line spacing – single.
Article size – 5–10 pages.
References to literary sources are indicated in square brackets in the order of mention.

Formula formatting requirements

Formulas (written as a separate line) must be typed entirely into MathType. A set of formulas from composite elements, where part of the formula is a table, or text, or an embedded frame, is not allowed. It is also not allowed to insert formulas into the text as graphic elements (drawings).

The following formula set rules must be used:

  • numbers, punctuation marks, brackets (round, square, curly) in formulas must be typed in a direct font;
  • lettering of quantities (symbols), for which letters of the Latin alphabet are used, are in italics;
  • abbreviated mathematical terms (for example: sin, cos, lg, lim, max) – in a direct font;
  • Russian letters (both in the formula itself and in the indices) – in a direct font;
  • Greek letters – in a direct font;
  • letters ∑ (as a sum sign), ∏ (as a product sign) – in a direct font with a larger size;
  • character size (Size): 12 pt, 7 pt, 5 pt, 18 pt.
  • numbering of formulas within the article, numbered formulas should be referenced in the text.

Figures are placed after mentioning in the text. Screened illustrations, dashed graphic objects, graphs, diagrams are given in *.wmf, *.jpg, *.tif formats. These illustrations are additionally saved as separate files. When using *.jpg, *.tif formats, the resolution should be 300 – 600 dpi. It is not allowed to create figures in MS Word. It is prohibited to embed graphic materials in the form of objects associated with other programs, for example, KOMPAS, MS Excel, etc.

Tables are created in MS Word and they should be located on one page without hyphenation. Table headings include the number within the article and the title. Tables are located after the reference in the text.

Bibliography. The list of references must be up-to-date and contain at least 8 literary sources no older than ten years, of which 3 are published over the last five years. The sources should include no more than 5 documents, the author or co-author of which is the author himself. It is advisable to include in the list documents which texts are posted on the Internet. The bibliographic list is compiled in the order in which documents are mentioned in the text and is carried out in accordance with GOST 7.0.100-2018 «Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation».

Manuscript should contain:

  • UDC index;
  • surname, name, patronymic of authors published in one paragraph, separated by commas, without hyphenation, with the indication of the academic degree;
  • information about authors: organization, city, country, codes of scientometric databases (RISC, SPIN-code; SCOPUS, ORCID), е-mail;
  • article title;
  • abstract – maximum 5 lines. Font: Times New Roman, 10 pt, italic;
  • article text;
  • bibliography.

Manuscripts of articles and originals of all necessary accompanying documents are sent to the Editorial Board. The electronic version of the article and scanned copies of accompanying documents are sent by email.

The Editorial Board determines the article’s compliance with the journal’s profile and design requirements and sends it for review.

Authors are not charged any fees for publishing manuscripts. No fee is paid to authors for publishing articles.

Editorial Board address: 284646, Donetsk People’s Republic, city district of Gorlovka, Gorlovka, Kirov St., 51, Automobile and Road Institute (Branch) of DonNTU in Gorlovka.

Contact phone number: +7 949 331-45-58; +7 949 318-99-61.

